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Past Presidents




第一屆總會長: 邱垂煌 Chris Chiu

邱垂煌 Chris Chiu旅館是七十年代在南加州頗為台灣新移民所喜歡投資的行業,因為新移民人生地不熟,又有語言隔闔,謀職不易,買家小型旅館全家大小共同打拼經營,不但可以安居樂業,還可成功致富,多年來進而擴展至全美各大州,如德州、路州、佛州等都有來自台灣的業者辛勤地經營著旅館。




第二屆總會長: 陳美芬 Mei-Fen Chen

陳美芬 Mei-Fen Chen本會成立宗旨結合同業力量,為華人旅館業者謀取福利,也極力秉持愛屋及烏扶助弱小,奠定事業基礎。




這一年來承蒙榮譽總會長王桂榮先生的鼓勵,前總會長邱垂煌先生的指導,秘書長吳國寶理事及財務長張榮森理事的努力,年刊總編輯許清松副總會長的認真付出,年刊廣告范約瑟理事的贊助,許多理事默默的耕耘,尤其今年初一月十三日在Las Vegas的理事會,全體理事撥冗參加,大家都在百忙中,特別由全國各地,千里迢迢,踴躍趕來,大家共同討論交換意見分享經驗的凝聚力,實在讓我感激不盡,各分會的成長,尤其是紐奧良颶風後重建展現了華人旅館業堅韌的毅力,讓人刻骨銘心。



第三屆總會長: 許清松 Stephen Hsu

許清松 Stephen Hsu本會創會迄今已近三年,首先本人感謝各州分會以及理事會員們的愛護及支持,使得本會得以不斷地擴大成長,同時也非常感謝廠商的贊助,使得本期年刊得己順利發行。北美洲台灣旅館公會聯合總會謹訂於六月十五日在洛杉磯波那朋丘(Westin Bonaventure Hotel) 大酒店召開第三屆年會,在此敬邀各界貴賓蒞臨參加指導。





Since the birth of Taiwan Hotel/Motel Association of North America three years ago, the Association has been receiving tremendous amount of support from local chapters and board members throughout the years. The successful publication of this magazine owes its thanks to the assistance from the members, Board of Directors, and sponsoring vendors, and my sincere appreciation extends to everyone involved in the process. I would also like to formally invite everyone to attend our Third Annual Conference on Sunday, June 15, 2008 at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles.

Under the leadership of our first president Chris Chiu and the support of all the local chapters, the Association was inaugurated on June 11, 2005 in Los Angeles. After three years of cultivation, the Association has established a foundation for membership services and growth. Currently, the Northern California chapter is in the formation planning stage, with additional chapters to be formed in other States. The Association’s goal is to create alliances amongst the Taiwanese hoteliers throughout North America and to strengthen our abilities to compete in the mainstream hospitality industry.

In addition to the annual publications, we have created the Association’s website to further enable the communication channels among the members. Through the worldwide resources of the internet, the Association is dedicated to offering the most current hospitality news, Association events, special offers by vendors, and other resources traditionally not available to the members.

The Association is also allied with the Southern California chapter in the creation of the Young Adult Group. The Group was founded by its former president Joseph Fan and continued by the current president Gerald Wang. With the support of the Southern California chapter’s Board of Directors, the Young Adult Group has progressed into an active organizational structure that maintains regular meetings in the exchange of industry news and information. In support of the Young Adult Group, the Director of the Third Division of the Oversea Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), Ms. Hsu-Ling Lee, is sponsoring the Group’s attendance in The Young Generation Hospitality Conference in Taiwan. The Group’s delegates will depart on April 26, 2008 and we wish them a very safe and fruitful trip.

My gratitude extends to everyone in making our family bigger and stronger and in the continual growth of the Association. I look forward to seeing the Association’s extended presence throughout the North America, and eventually the international arena of the hospitality industry.


第四屆總會長: 李昭寬










第五屆總會長: 吳定達 Steve Wu

吳定達 Steve Wu本會自2005年6月11日成立以來,歴經邱垂煌會長、陳美芬會長、許清松會長及李昭寬會長等前輩的辛苦經營,已具有完整的架構與功能。在這裏,除了感謝政府各級首長的支持和指導外,還得感謝創會總會長邱垂煌先生、歴屆總會長、所有理事和同業先進們的支持愛護,更要感激榮譽總會長王桂榮先生的贊助與指教,本會才能日益茁壯。

10月份Atlantic City 第五屆理事會的召開,承蒙全體理事的踴躍參加,眾多廠商的贊助及祕書長楊麗燕的悉心安排,美東之旅讓大夥對創業的方向、投資的趨勢、加盟的優劣都有極大的幫助和認識,在此,一 併感謝。


(一) 網頁資訊的強化,廣闢會員的溝通渠道。
(二) 少壯新秀的培植,傳衍永續的經營之道。
(三) 各方新銳的廣納,協助同業的創業立業。
(四) 多元資訊的提供,輔佐會員的素質提昇。
(五) 建立同業與政府機構的良性互動,加強同業與相關企業的密切交流。

本會資料庫的建立、網路內容的充實、Q&A的構思,在利於會員的互通有無。各種論題的演說講習、經營理念的溝通、加盟投資的趨向,在提供會員創業立業的認識、自我素質的提昇。而歴年擧辦的青年回國參訪團,和6 月中旬即將成行的台灣大陸旅舘業務考察團,是借實際與理念結合,要走出自己,放眼世界,跨向未來。



第六屆總會長: 林宣昭 Herman Lin

林宣昭 Herman Lin北美洲台灣旅館公會總會之會務已逐漸系統化,並遵循五年前創會之宗旨,朝向各地區會員分工合作、互助無間的架構成長。本會一月間假北加州Crowne Plaza Foster City舉行了本屆第二次理事會,各地代表踴躍的參與,並擴張了北加州新分會,另有鳳凰城和明尼蘇達兩地區以觀察會員形式加入總會行列,不負眾望,功德圓滿。



Following the founding missions of Taiwan Hotel/Motel Association of North America, the Association structure has becoming systematic, with efficient supporting system from local chapters of each regional association. In January 2011, the Association conducted its board meeting at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Foster City in Northern California. During this meeting, representatives from the regional associations actively participated in the event. We had the opportunity to announce the formation of the Northern California Association, together with monetary membership for the Arizona and Minnesota regions. This marked the beginning of the Association's fulfillment in commitment of growth into other parts of North America.

Youth is the continuation of life and traditions. The Association, since found, has always supported the youth development programs. Continuing the past, we are organizing our third youth group to Taiwan. Similar to the past activities, we will be visiting numerous hotels and education institutions to exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences in hotel operations and management. The accumulation of knowledge will help in setting foundation to the young hoteliers. This year's youth group event, with 45 participants, will begin in Taipei on March 13, 2011, continues its journey through Central Taiwan and ends in Kaoshiung on March 18, 2011. We are certain that this will be another fruitful learning opportunity, both in hospitality and cultural experiences.

Time flies quicker than we anticipate. 2011 has arrived and the sixth year of the Association has passed its midpoint. While the Association grown steadily for the past years, our continual success replies upon everyone's participation and dedication. By uniting our efforts, we will be able to establish our voices among the mainstreams in the hospitality industry. With this opportunity, I would also like to wish everyone a successful 2011 and prosperous Year of the Golden Rabbit.


第七屆總會長: 許文忠 Steven Hsu

許文忠 Steven Hsu過去的一年美國旅館業繼續樂觀的復醒而且旅館每個房間的價值比前一年平均增長了百分之二十。總括來說,旅館出租率及平均房價都呈現增長趨勢。雖然因為缺乏旅館貸款的來源對旅館的交易復醒有些負面影響,大部分的旅館的買家卻能完全用現金購買並期望將來可以有更好的貸款條件。目前能找到的貸款只有價值的百分之五十到六十,年利息在百分之八到十,而且大多需要個人擔保。我們預期美國經濟復醒應會繼續增強,並在2013年超越過此次衰退前的旅館價值。

總會在2012年一月二十六到二十九號間一行二十多人在夏威夷閞第二次理事會,拜會夏威夷州政府,觀光局及中華民國在檀香山的總領館。做了環島觀光,鑽石頭山,Kahala高級住宅區, Keoni黑珍珠廠。中午与夏威夷婦女工商會一起在海边餐廳与國会議員,市府官員及市議員共進午餐。傍晚乘Star of Honululu游輪欣賞日落美景,歡賞熱情的波里尼西亞舞蹈,吃螃蟹牛排大餐及欣賞Waikiki夜景。

From 2011 to 2012, we have an optimistic outlook for the US hotel industry and the value per room of hotel value increase about 20%. Overall, the hotel occupancy, average daily rate and RevPAR in the US are trending upward. Hampering the recovery somewhat is the current lack of financing. Most hotel buyers are buying "all cash" and hoping to obtain debt financing at some point in the future. Presently, financing parameters, if available, generally range between 50% to 60% loan to value ratio with interest rate at 8% to 10%; however, personal guarantees are often required in most cases. We anticipate US hotel values to continue to trend upward as the economic recovery intensifies, exceeding their pre-recession high by 2013.

About 20 people joint us to have our Association's second board meeting in Hawaii for four days from Jan. 26 to 29, 2012. We have meets with Hawaii state government, Tourist Department and Consulate General from Republic of China in Taiwan to get information about Hawaii hotel industry information. Touring the island, we have visit Diamond Head Mountain, Kahala Resort Housing and Keoni Pearl Factory. At beautiful seaside, we have lunch with Hawaii congressman, city official and city councilor together. Before dark, we cruise the Star of Honolulu watching the sunset, Polynesian dance and enjoy the dinner of Crab and Steak.


第八屆總會長: 汪俊宇 Gerald Wang

汪俊宇 Gerald Wang"More than money" is a phrase derived from a speech delivered by Mr. Michael A. Leven, President and Chief Operating Officer of Las Vegas Sands Corp., during our Director's Meeting last year at The Venetian/Palazzo Resort and Casino. In his speech, he mentioned that in our life, there is something that is more important than making money and more important than our business. It is our passion that drives our success.

When I think of this quote, I think of Dr. Y.Y. Wu, the Minister of Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission Republic of China, who was generous to help finance and sponsor our event last year. I would like to take the opportunity to thank him for supporting our organization. I would also like to thank all of the others who were able to support the event including our past President, Directors, members throughout North America, and sub-chapters from California, Houston, New Jersey, Phoenix, New Orleans, Florida, and Taiwan. In addition, I would also like to recognize the support of the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles and Orange County, Las Vegas Taiwanese Business Woman Association and Las Vegas Chinese News network.

I would also like to thank Mr. Hong Jen from the Overseas Chinese Affair Council, Mr. Trust Lin from Taiwan Tourism Bureau, Mr. Jaime Ming-Shy Chen and Mr. Wu of the Commercial Department of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles at the time. With the support of these organizations and individuals, we were able to accommodate a record-breaking 200 attendees at our event this year.

As we end one event, we begin to prepare for another glorious event, which will be our organization's annual youth trip to Taiwan. Our mentors during the trip will include past President Mr. Stephen C. Hsu from Los Angeles, Mr. Steven Hsu from Houston, Ms. Mei Fen Chen from Houston, and Ms. Minnie Chou and Mr. Tom Wu, as well as our Commissioner of Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission Republic of China (Taiwan).

The purpose of the trip is not only to have fun, but it will also be an educational trip. It will be an opportunity to network and discuss long-term plans for our organization and how we can use our group's affiliation with Taiwan to help our Motherland. During our visit, we will be able to introduce new ideas, new concepts and exchange information on other industry-related issues including: hotel franchise, management, architecture, interior design, online marketing, yield management, lodging finance, as well as planning and development. It is also important to note that the youth group trip would not be possible without the sponsorship and support from our past Presidents, Directors, Taiwanese government, as well as all of the participants who will be joining us on our trip.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participants and supporters for making our last Director's Meeting a successful one and our upcoming trip an enjoyable one.


第九屆總會長: 陳詩章 Samuel Chen

陳詩章 Samuel ChenAccording to the Chinese zodiac, 2014 is the year of the Horse. The spirit of the Horse is recognized by Chinese people for its unrelenting effort to improve itself. Since being inaugurated as President of the Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association of North America (THMANA) in June 2013, I have embodied the spirit of the Horse and have diligently worked to set a few goals to be accomplished during my tenure.

First, to coordinate with our Local Chapters including but not limited to the Greater New York, Southern California and the Greater Houston Chapters to encourage their involvement and support of THMANA's activities. In addition, thanks to Mr. Tommy Lu from Seattle and Mr. T.K. Wang from Atlanta, both, who kindly agreed and committed to host our 2nd Board of Directors meeting. However, our Board voted to select Ventura, CA as our final meeting destination on November 16, 2013. Hopefully, we can have a Director's meeting in Seattle or Atlanta in the future.

Our main mission this year is to make our Youth Group trip to Taiwan on February 22-28, 2014 for more educational, memorable and meaningful activities to the next generation of Taiwanese hoteliers. We have scheduled to visit the National Palace Museum, 2014 Taiwan Lantern Festival at Chung Hsing New Village, Chung Tai Monastery, Lukang Folk Arts Museum, Guningtou War Museum, Jhaishan Tunnel, 823 Artillery Battle Museum, Qingtiengang, the Kingmen Distillery, Tien Hou Temple and other historical sites to bring our Youth closer to their Taiwanese roots.

In addition reconnecting to our heritage, we will visit HungKuang and Hsing Wu University to learn about their Hospitality Education and Training programs. We will also visit The Okura Prestige Taipei Hotel, one of the largest 5-star hotel franchisors in Japan, to expose our Youth to hospitality trends overseas. We trust this trip will benefit our Youth Group to not only learn more about Taiwan's culture and heritage, but to compare and learn different hotel management styles between Japan, U.S. and Taiwan.

Last but not least, this trip would not be possible without the sponsorship and support from our ex-Presidents and Directors, Overseas Community Affairs Council Republic of China (Taiwan) (OCAC), our donors as well as all the participants. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Ms. Minnie Chiu, our most devoted member and Commissioner of the Mr. Wilson Wang, President of Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association of Southern California; Ms. Anita Ko, our Secretary General; and Mr. Stephen Hsu, Former President and our Chief Editor for their diligent endeavor to make this upcoming trip so organized and worthwhile for its participants.


第十屆總會長: 蔡慶輝 Kevin (Chin-Hue ) Tsay

蔡慶輝 Kevin (Chin-Hue ) TsayI’d like to give a thank you to all of the members for their support. I am excited to share this experience with you and welcome you to THMANA.

Taiwan Hotel/Motel Association of North America is a passionate organization that includes the community I love most. With each successive president, accomplishments are continuously built upon each other. This has been happening for almost 10 years! Previous presidents have laid the foundation and I hope to continue this tradition for the next president. Today we're on the right track, gaining momentum. We can go farther and we're devoted to making sure we do even better. We hope to accomplish the goal of augmenting the conditions in which we do business. Moreover, everything I do is to promote and help members achieve these three bottom-line objectives:
• Save money • Make money • Earn money

To start, the Hospitality Industry is one of the most vibrant industries and has continuously grown in recent years, especially in North America. To give you an understanding of the current situation, here are some statistics. During 2014, the U.S. hotel industry is predicted to report a 1.4% increase in occupancy causing it to rise to to 63.1%, a 4.2% increase in average daily rate accumulating to $115 and a 5.7% gain in revenue per available room adding up to $72.55. For 2014, demand in the U.S. is conjectured to increase 2.6%, while supply is predicted to grow by 1.2%. During 2015, STR and Tourism Economics predict occupancy to rise 0.6% to 63.5%, ADR to increase 4.3% to $119.93 and RevPAR to grow 4.9% to $76.13. Furthermore for the year 2015, demand is expected to increase by 2.2%, and supply is predicted to increase by 1.6%. According to JLL’s Hotels & Hospitality division, the U.S. sector is on track to reach $25 billion in transactions during 2014. More than $8 billion in transactions have already been tallied thus far.

As statistics show, so much growth has already occurred, yet there is still so much growth ahead. It is very essential for me to help you in any way possible. It is my goal to keep communications open by creating the perfect environment. For a business to be successful, it cannot just sit back relying on merely selling a product, instead it must be communicative with its customers, understanding their needs, the trends of the market, and any hurdles encountered along the way. These days, no business can sit back and rely on merely selling a product. I hope to share the range of innovative, meaningful, and relevant discovery opportunities with our members. To highlight just a few:

Enhanced Connection

One of the greatest benefits of membership is being able to network with other members and explore what each member brings to the table in our hotel operation. Chances are that you can easily relate to another member. The opportunity to share common experiences is just a phone call or e-mail away. Attending the Annual Conference is one way to get acquainted with fellow members.

Another benefit of membership of THMANA is taking advantage of the newly formed website and using to reach out for advice and guidance. Take credence and ideas from an already established program, to help kick start your operations. With this website, distance is no issue, allowing you to be bombarded with ideas and networking. THMANA is planning to invest in a variety of technological improvements, including new accounting and tax education, new customer service software, a new mobile application, and a new website. The result will lead to improved services for members with accessibility from smartphones and tablets, making processes more efficient.

Focused Membership Campaign

I also strive to encourage non-member hoteliers to join our association. We welcome those interested in becoming members of Taiwan Hotel Motel Association North America. We are planning to conduct an aggressive campaign to encourage Seattle and Atlanta Hotelier to join us, and we are welcoming Phoenix, Florida, and New Orleans back.

Encourages Young Professional Hoteliers

We encourage the professional development and personal success of young hoteliers. We’ll host a management and educational tour in Taiwan during 2015. Additionally we’ll host a Young Professional Conference at the 2015 Annual Convention with educational sessions and informative presentations especially relevant to younger members so that prepares them for the challenges of the industry,; helps them identify where the industry is going, and inspires them to develop relationships with elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels.

Expand Educational Programs

This year, we offer members of the Hotel Owner Education Program online versions as well as online training topics. This program is one of the industry’s most respected professional education curriculums.

We also hope our members speak up and ask questions. We can’t improve this organization and better it without your suggestions. We want to see the THMA Eastern get stronger, with the addition of more members and continue into the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns about THMANA at my e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are looking for hosts for the 2014 and 2015 events. Please feel free and make efforts to attend our events. We look forward to seeing you there!

With Warmest Regards,

Kevin Tsay, Ph.D.
President, Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association North America


第十一屆總會長: 汪蔚興 Wilson Wang

汪蔚興 Wilson Wang末學有幸得總會的先進提攜,繼前任位居美東蔡慶輝總會長的腳步,謬領第十一屆北美洲台灣旅館公會聯合總會的重任。會務干頭萬緒,惟承蒙各地公會同業賢達的支持才使得一切能順利展開,職謹專此向大家致上最誠摯的謝意°




末學 汪蔚興 敬上

It has been a great honor to accept the appointment of the 11th President of the Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association of North America. Following the footsteps of President Kevin Tsay, my predecessor, I know well that I have a big shoe to fill and must strive to do the best within my abilities.

The generation gaps and transitions are the critical aspects of family business and the Association's affairs. As we are all different with individualities, the Association, since the establishment of the Youth Group in 2008, had been building the platform that promoted shared growth and common goals. The annual Youth Group Taiwan Trip started in 2008 by President Stephen Hsu, and it has been the main focus of the Association's affairs. From north to south, through coastlines and hills, the Taiwan Trips have exposed our young adults with the finest Taiwan culture, experienced the Eastern service etiquettes, and understand the cultural shocks and economic hardships during the era of their parents' immigration journey. This experience is rare and once-in-a-life-time for young adults, yet the Association has been offering it for the ninth year in the row.

The year's Taiwan Trip, we are main focus is on "Reciprocating."

The Alliance Foundation, which consists of Culture, Education, Business and Tourism, was established in 2009, focusing on Taiwan East Coast rural area development. The Foundation purposely brought itself to the most outer skirt of Taiwan to assist the aborigines and local residents. This "forgotten society" has been cared for and becoming self-sufficient, and advancing in education, cultural, tourism growth, and boutique hospitality industry development. We have the honor of touring the Jung-Yi Schools to see the effects of quality education on the new generations.

We will also have the privilege of having the Foundation President Stanly Yen, God Father of the Taiwan Hospitality Industry, speaking on "how to flourish your life journey by making changes." We will also have close encounter with Taiwan college students during the school visits. The Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association of Southern California has offered the internship program in 2015 for the first time. Southern California had received overwhelmingly responses from many people, and elected to continue in 2016 summer with the offering to Taiwan hospitality students. During the trip, the young adults will have the opportunity of East vs. West. Through interactions, we hope that our second generations will learn each other on culture and hospitality experiences. With the visits of the Alliance Foundation and universities, we hope that our young adults will grasp the ideologies of "Reciprocating".

It is truly an honor of becoming the President of the 11th term. Special appreciation to our Board of Directors, regional members and sponsors for their relentless support. If I can be of assistance in any ways, please do not hesitate to contact me as I will do my best to assist everyone on hospitality matters.

With Warmest Regards,

Wilson Wang
Taiwan Hotel Association of North America.


第十二屆總會長: 嚴 杰 Roger Yen

嚴 杰 Roger Yen北美洲台灣旅館公會聯合總會,於2005年6月在邱垂煌創會會長的號召、領導下,成立於加州洛杉磯。十餘年來,歷任總會長皆一本初衷,為各地區公會的共同成長、新世代的培養與傳承,竭盡所能,努力不懈。因此會員能彼此團結互助,會務亦得以蒸蒸日上!




我們今年的主題是「台灣屋脊瑰寶六日遊」,要帶大家參觀台灣的高山飯店,這是我們很少接觸的路線。面對迥異於平地的生態環境,飯店特殊的經營策略,一定能讓大家有深刻的體驗。在此特別感謝台北旅館商業同業公會邱樂芬理事長,幫我們聯繫、安排幾個非常精采的參訪活動及專題演講。衷心期待經由這次難得的行程,能夠更加促進台灣及美國各地區公會之間的團結與溝通 !



第十七-十八屆總會長: 陳清亮 Chin-Liang Chen

陳清亮 Chin-Liang Chen諸位會員們,您們好!


【北美洲台灣旅館公會聯合總會2023年回國參訪團】以在台北香樹大飯店舉行,由台灣飯店科技工程管理協會主辦,僑委會協辦的【飯店科技資訊論壇】揭開序幕。十多家廠商的示範講解,帶給我們極大的震撼。台灣不只有世界頂尖的電腦科技人才,業者的經營理念及創意更讓【Made in Taiwan 】成為我們的驕傲與光榮!我們期待新世代的奮起,拋開三年的停頓,急起直追,在晶片的時代,台灣仍能掌握世界的舞台,屹立不搖。

透過台灣參訪活動,我們見識到【Taiwan Can Help】點亮了台灣。台灣各方面的進步大家有目共睹,在政治、經濟、外交、科技、和社會福利方面,更有突出展現。不畏惡劣環境的壓迫與影響,仍能堅守自由民主,成為世界之光,民主的堡壘。


2021年年會順利地召開,舉辦了New Orleans, LA之行,參訪當地旅館及相關產業,與企業家和市政官員有愉快的座談,獲益良多。2022年年會在Houston, TX召開,出席踴躍。會後舉辦 Austin之旅,賓主盡歡。2023年台灣之行圓滿完成。感謝各位的團結一心,鼎力相助。


Dear members, greetings to all of you!

Three years of COVID pandemic have interrupted our regular activities and emotionally depressed our dreams. With the opening of society, we are again excited. We are thankful for your warm reception and active participation of our recent touring Taiwan program.

One of the program events during the Taiwan tour by the Taiwan Hotel and Motel Association of North America was in Hotel Aura. This event was organized by Taiwan Hotel Technology Association, and supported by Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC). After introduction of many lively demos and illustrations by pioneering companies on how the information technology forefronts would influence the future hotel business, we were thrilled to learn the impact of technological advancements on our future hotel operation. Taiwan has not only world renown top notched technology talents, but entrepreneurial spirits in creativity to explore future operational ideas. This made us proud to be part of “Made in Taiwan”. While anticipating the arrival of new challenges after overcoming three years of COVID shutdown, we certainly hope Taiwan will continue its leading role on the world stage in the chip era.

Throughout our tours and visits in Taiwan, we witnessed that “Taiwan Can Help” actually made Taiwan a bright spot in the world. Taiwan has exhibited unyielding progress in all aspects of life, policy, economics, foreign diplomacy, technology and social welfare. Undaunted by the hostile environment it faces daily, Taiwan has insisted in its core values in freedom and democracy as a lighting beacon for all people in the world who long for liberty.

As president of our Association for two years, we have experienced the evolution of an environment from nothing under our control to something controllable, from crisis management to new business opportunities. The business affairs of our Association has likewise experienced a transiting moment of dawning that creates endless possibilities going forward. I want to take this opportunity to specially thank many of you: Mr. Chiu(邱垂煌), founding President, councilors: Mr. Hsu (許清松), Mr. Li (李昭寬), Mr. Wang (汪蔚興), Mr. Tsai (蔡慶輝) and others for their encouragement and support. I also want to thank my better half, Meifen, for her understanding and continuous caring inspiration. Last but not least, I want to thank my team, chief financial officer Mr. Chang (張榮森) and Secretary General Ms. Ho (何怡中) for their dedicated contribution and assistance, and to all the councilors, staff, and members for their continuous cooperation. Together, we have proved that we were able to endure the challenging tests from the pandemic. My involvement in the Association for the past two years was an unforgettable and wonderful journey for me. What I’ve learned is truly an eye opening experience that help me realize the true grace of God’s will. Thank you Lord.

The annual meeting of 2021 was held successfully by the trip to New Orleans, LA. We visited local Hotel and Motel business establishments and met with local government officials and we came away with many constructive ideas. The annual meeting of 2022 took place in Houston, TX, it was met with abundant attendances and enthusiasm. It was then followed by a pleasant trip to Austin. And the meeting of 2023 in Taiwan, as previously stated was successfully completed. Thank you all for your heart-felt cooperation and help.

Finally, on behalf of Taiwan Hotel and Motel Association of North America, we want to sincerely thank Overseas Community Affairs Council, Taiwan Tourist Bureau and other sponsoring organizations for their generous support. We also wish our business colleagues great success and continuing prosperity in the future.