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有鑑於華人旅館經營分佈於全美,南加州及德州所創立的旅館公會已然穩固成長,在茁壯之餘,能將經驗貢獻於更廣大華人旅館業者,經過多次的拜訪、開會討論、及許多同業前輩支持下,「北美洲台灣旅館公會聯合總會」于二OO五年六月十一日在加州洛杉磯隆重成立,希望透過力量的結合,共同研判,交換意見,經驗分享。目前有南加州台灣旅館業同業公會、休士頓美南台灣旅館公會、佛羅里達州旅館公會、美東旅館公會及紐奧良旅館公會。 The success of Taiwanese American in the hospitality industry is evidence by the business growth and experiences of Taiwanese hoteliers in the United States. Visualized the ever changing hotel market and business dynamic, the Taiwan Hotel/Motel Association of Southern California and Taiwan Innkeepers Association of Greater Houston began the organization and communication with Taiwanese hoteliers around the nation. On June 11, 2005, Taiwan Hotel/Motel Association of North America was formed. The Association’s goal is to unite the strength of Taiwanese hoteliers by exchanging knowledge and experiences of hotel operation. Currently the Association successfully united local associations in California, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and New Jersey.